
Testimonials about Success Strategies USA

“Jennifer has an exceptional way of offering support, perspective and direction in a manner that helps me leverage my own aptitudes and strengths.”
CEO regarding Executive Coaching

“You have helped me see things in a different light…thank you.”
Business Executive regarding Therapy

“Jennifer brings a lot of wisdom and compassion to her work.”
Attorney regarding Couples Counseling

“We are extremely grateful to have such a competent, compassionate person available to assist us during an emergency.  I know you really helped our associates.”
Fortune 100 Company regarding Critical Incident Response

“Going to see Jennifer was my last attempt to quit smoking.  I had already tried everything else.  I am proud to say I am smoke free and have been for 5 years. “
Manager regarding Hypnotherapy

“Jennifer’s hypnotherapy provided me with just the tools I needed to finally get my eating habits— and my weight— under my control.”
Stay at Home Mother regarding Hypnotherapy

“Thank you for helping me get through my experience with cancer.”
Restaurant Owner regarding Hypnotherapy and Therapy

“I was able to hop on a plane and fly to Paris with no alcohol or drugs.  Thank you Jennifer!”
Catering Specialist regarding Hypnotherapy

“Look!  I have nails!!  Thank you Jennifer, for helping me quit biting my nails.”
Relationship Banker regarding Hypnotherapy